Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions

Lauren West R.N., B.N.

Lauren West

Through my progression from health care aide, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse to perinatal specialized Registered Nurse, I have purposefully sculpted my career around women’s health and growing families. I have worked in labour, delivery and postpartum nursing at St. Paul’s Maternity Centre for nearly 7 years, and I am pleased to expand into prenatal education. I plan to share pertinent information, as well as research-based resources that allow future parents to remain well-informed without feeling overwhelmed.

I reside in North Vancouver and prefer to spend my free time exploring this beautiful province with my husband and dog, or sampling new restaurants and breweries. As I am currently expecting my first child, I will be joining you in this journey to new parenthood, and I could not be more excited.

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Based in Vancouver, BC

© 2025 Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions. All rights reserved.
At Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions, our mission is to empower and educate clients using the most current medical information and best practices as pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth, infant feeding, and postpartum concerns. Whilst our class instructors are trained Registered Nurses and/or Midwives, none of the information contained in our classes or our website is intended to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions and its employees, assistants, and agents assume no liability for any damage, injury, loss, claims, actions, proceedings, and expenses (including legal costs) resulting from the use of any advice or instructions from Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions classes.