Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions

Lactation Consultation

The Baby Prep™ philosophy acknowledges that each birthing experience is unique and therefore, your childbirth education should be unique and tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

Baby Prep Lactation Consultation
Lactation Consultation Info

As new parents-to-be, we often focus all of our attention on the time leading up to the birth of our baby and little time is spent on the questions following their birth. This postpartum visit/video-call offers the opportunity to help answer these questions, talk about your birth experience and help ease the transition into parenthood.

  • Helping new parents feel confident in caring for their newborn(s)
  • Breastfeeding support and feeding plans
  • Provide a demo or stand by assistance regarding certain aspects of baby care
  • Provide the opportunity for the couple to sit down and talk about their birth experience and the feelings that may follow

If the assessed situation is out of a Lactation Consultants and/or registered nurses scope of practice, you may be encouraged to talk to another health care professional(s).

Can I pre-book a lactation consultation before my baby is born?

We understand the fear and anxiety that surrounds feeding your newborn, but we request that you wait till your little one is born and you are in need of assistance. Due to scheduling, we can only book in those who have immediate needs.

Who are our lactation consultants?

All Baby Prep™ instructors that are providing in-home Postpartum/Lactation visits are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) / Registered Nurses (BCCNM).

  • $150/hour
    • An additional $20 charge will apply for in-person visits requiring 20 to 39km of driving
    • An additional $40 charge will apply for in-person visits requiring 40+km of driving
    • Includes email support for one week after an in-person visit
    • Follow-up phone call(s) will be considered only if clinically required

We accept payments in cash or credit card. Please have payment ready at time of appointment.

Additional Notes

Please note that once the lactation request form is filled out we will call you within 24-48 hours, visits/video calls will usually happen within 7 days.

Request Lactation Consultation

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Based in Vancouver, BC

Maple Leaf

Baby Prep is proudly 100% Canadian owned and operated.

© 2025 Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions. All rights reserved.
At Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions, our mission is to empower and educate clients using the most current medical information and best practices as pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth, infant feeding, and postpartum concerns. Whilst our class instructors are trained Registered Nurses and/or Midwives, none of the information contained in our classes or our website is intended to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions and its employees, assistants, and agents assume no liability for any damage, injury, loss, claims, actions, proceedings, and expenses (including legal costs) resulting from the use of any advice or instructions from Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions classes.