Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions

Private Caesarean Birth Prenatal Class

The Baby Prep™ philosophy acknowledges that each birthing experience is unique and therefore, your childbirth education should be unique and tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

Class Info
  • For expecting mothers and their partners that will be scheduling a planned Ceasarean Birth
  • The class is arranged around your schedule.
  • The class is taught in the privacy of your own home using a variety of instructional methods such as visual aides and plenty of practice!
  • The class allows you to discuss personal issues at ease.
  • You are able to have the sole attention of the instructor.
  • Surround yourself with your support network. (partner, doula, mother, sister, friend)
  • Confidentiality Assured
When should you take the class?

You are welcome to take a private Caesarean Birth Prenatal Class at any time after your 30th week of pregnancy. Booking in earlier is recommended to secure your preferred dates.

Who are our instructors?

All Baby Prep™ instructors are experienced Registered Nurses (BCCNM) and are currently working in the Vancouver, BC and surrounding areas. All instructors follow the BC and Canadian healthcare guidelines.

  • $550/couple (one 4 hour session)
    • An additional $25 charge will apply for classes outside the City of Vancouver.
Additional Notes

If you would like to join a group prenatal class, you are more then welcome. Only the second Evening Group Seriesclass or the Weekend Group Course's Saturday afternoon will not apply to couples scheduled for a Caesarean birth.

Request Private Caesarean Birth Prenatal Class

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Based in Vancouver, BC

Maple Leaf

Baby Prep is proudly 100% Canadian owned and operated.

© 2025 Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions. All rights reserved.
At Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions, our mission is to empower and educate clients using the most current medical information and best practices as pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth, infant feeding, and postpartum concerns. Whilst our class instructors are trained Registered Nurses and/or Midwives, none of the information contained in our classes or our website is intended to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions and its employees, assistants, and agents assume no liability for any damage, injury, loss, claims, actions, proceedings, and expenses (including legal costs) resulting from the use of any advice or instructions from Baby Prep™ Prenatal Sessions classes.